Do you have a happy song or even a playlist?   

I normally pick melancholic music, but I do have a happy playlist for when I need a kick of good vibes. Those songs that will make me smile and dance around the living room.   

Here are three of them, each in a different language, I surround myself with each day   

I den nye by – by Love Shop   

This is one of those that will get me dancing around the living room. I have listened to Love Shop, for as long as I remember. It was one of the first bands, I picked myself and not only listened to because my siblings or friends did. And I still try to attend their concerts, if possible, because I know I will leave with good energy. Luckily, they do play in Berlin from time to time.   

Always look on the bright side of life – by Monty Python   

I cannot remember the first time I saw the movie ‘Life of Brian’, but I was not that old. Did not truly understand the stories, but the image of the singing men on the cross and my family’s laughter has stayed with me and today that song makes me smile every time I hear it.   

Guten Tag, liebes Glück – by Max Raabe   

I came across this one just when I moved to Germany. A German van traveller I had started following on Instagram used it in one of their videos. I was caught by the melody and the duet. I did not fully understand the lyrics and used google translate to get an idea of what they were singing about. Now that I fully understand the lyrics, I like it even more.   

What is your happy song?   

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