March intentions

New month – new intentions – March is here  

(If you want to know how it went with February, jump to the bottom of this post)  

  • Keep on being persistent in posting on the blog  
  • Find a way to work with the computer in the van  
  • Find a good balance between planned driving and drifting  
  • Finnish my reading on the benefit of using art as a tool for coaching 
  • Read more  

I had built up a routine regarding writing blog posts and posting regularly, but that has been broken now. The interesting thing is, when I do write regularly, I also much easier find inspiration and when that then stops, it is harder for me to find the inspiration to start again.  

This is related to the above intention. I have not found a way in the van, where I like to sit with my computer and work. When the weather is warmer, I am happy with a picnic table in nature and sit for hours and work, but even though I am moving south, it is not warm enough to sit without moving outside. And travelling with a Vancat, also limits how much I like to leave her in the van, so I can work from a café or co-working space.    

This is a recurring challenge when travelling in the van. Going to planned places I want to see, will make me miss what I could step upon by just drifting and seeing what I discover on my way. Only drifting can leave me with some days, where I feel I have not found the small diamonds. I have not found a good balance yet but am working with trial and error to find it.  

I am in the process of reading up on the benefits of using art as a tool in coaching. And printed out a bunch of research papers to read in the van. I have only gotten started on one, by the end of the month I would have liked to have finished them all.  

For a person who normally reads 100 books a year, I have not read a single one so far this year. It is a combination of have not found a new book that has kept my interest for more than some pages and not being able to concentrate on a book at the moment. But I do miss disappearing into a made-up world or situation, so I am going to try to give my books more than one chance before I give up on them.  

Here is how February’s intentions went  

Holding on to my morning routine   

  • This has worked, even on the road, sometimes I have done my journaling while driving and that worked out well as well  

Keeping the budget   

  • It went well until I spent a week in Valencia, eating good food and visiting galleries. I am still in plus looking at the whole year so far, but not as much as I would like.   

Meet-up with other digital nomad coaches    

  • Did in Valencia and will do it in Malaga, so going well  

Learning the tips and tricks of Canva   

  • Did not do that, I do feel a lack of time to sit and concentrate on my computer. Realistically this will be postponed until I am back in Berlin  

Finnish workshop preparation  

  • Done and done. Now I want to hold more workshops on communication   

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