March intentions

(If you want to know how it went with February, jump to the bottom of this post) 

New month, new intentions: 

  • Prepare for 3 workshops I’m holding with InterNation regarding communication 
  • Take another day hike in Berlin’s surroundings 
  • Finding a right meetup for me 
  • Rebrand my website 
  • Dressing in all the colours in the world 
One of the colourfull dresses

I proposed three workshops to InterNation regarding communication and all three got accepted and booked for April, so now I need to get my presentations in order and find out which small exercises I want to add to the workshop. I myself like it, when workshops are more interactive. But I also must keep in mind, that some of the workshops at InterNation are quite big in the number of participants and any excises must fit that. 

I had forgotten a little, that it is easy to find a beautiful day hike close to Berlin and had in my mind, that I needed to travel to get out in nature. February proved me wrong, with two very nice trips to Tegel and Bad Belzig and I would like to get another day hike into March, even though March already is quite booked. 

Two of my favourite meetups in berlin – Deep Talks and Thinkers & Drinkers – unfortunately have gone quiet under corona and don’t seem to emerge again. Therefore, I am on the hunt for a new place to get my intake of conversations and sparks for my mind. I have some possibilities to investigate and going to try out a least one of them in March.  

I made my website, when I was starting coaching and it is full of buzzwords and not really reflecting me as coach. I am in the process of changing that and over March. There will come some updates to the website.  

With the cold Berlin winter, I have gotten comfortable in wool-on-wool layers. And no matter how comfortable it is, I am missing my colourful dresses and just colour in general. And that is easy to do something about. So back on with the dresses and colour and perhaps I will lure out spring with that. 

Follow up on February’s intentions

Visit a new museum in Berlin  

  • Did not make it but had other experiences in Berlin in February. Saw my first dance theatre and went on two hikes, so I’m happy with what I used Berlin for in February  

Work on my mindset regarding money 

  • It is in process now. And it does feels good even though it is hard work.  

Keep up the routine with swimming and running 

  • Still keeping up 

Setup my workshop 

  • This did not happen, because I was blocking myself and I will explain more about that in another blog post. As it turned out, I needed to go get rid of an old belief, before I could setup the workshop. But it is coming up in March.  

Act more actively on my “100 strangers project” 

  • I have done that and will continue with it. I promised an update in the comment, when I would hit the 25th stranger and that will happen soon.  
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