August intentions

My intention for August, a little late, as I had guests from home and prioritised to spend my time with them 

(For an update on July intentions, go to the bottom of this post)

  • Assessment tools blog post 
  • Stay on track with my PQ program  
  • Make some linocut prints 
  • Taking my theory driving licence exam 
  • Getting my stickers around

I am using different assessment tools in my coaching – if I feel they would be beneficial for the coaching process. The tools I use can be done by anyone and with some self-reflection also give some insights on one’s current state of mind. I want to share these and how I use them as inspiration for others. So, look out for upcoming posts on these self-assessment tools. 

I have been accepted for the PQ Coaching Grant program for coaches and it is running from start August to September. I did try to complete the program in May and failed to keep on track with it, so I am going to take the time to engage properly this time. I do believe the program will develop me as a coach and I am looking forward to the learnings. And it will also require personal development of me. 

In March I took a workshop on linocut prints and now I have got the tools and ideas of doing my own prints at home. So, I am going to start making some of these. 

I want to get my driver’s licence and need to take the theoretical exam. I am now feeling ready to do that, so will book it by the end of August.  

I have made stickers for my online sharing circles, so now I am putting them up where relevant. Both because I like stickers and because I want to make people aware of my offer. 

Here’s the follow up on my July intentions: 

Plan the workshop on communication that I am giving on MCH2022  

  • Did that and I felt the workshop went amazing, with the right amount of self-reflection between participants and me giving input  

Take my CKA exam  

  • Did not receive my exam link before start of August, so it is going to be in August  

Finding my routine again  

  • Have not totally succeeded yet, but I am on the right track and will continue in August  

Read one non-fiction book  

  • That I did. I read about different time personalities, and it was quite enlightening. Something I will keep in mind in my coaching and share my thoughts on it later in a blog post 

Get the Colony Garden in shape 

  • This has happened, but more importantly, I have changed my mindset around gardening and learned, that there are things I am enjoying. I like to pick the weeds in the beds: I am putting an audio book on and just start from one end. I can fall into a meditative state while picking weeds and there is something oddly satisfying about getting just the right pull to get the roots up. 

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