(If you want to know how it went with March, jump to the bottom of this post. April’s intentions got lost in my overall busyness)
New month, new intentions:
- Combing van-life and coaching
- Setting up my new program
- Engage in small talk
- Sketch more
- Seeing Lyme Park
I will be travelling in the UK during May and some of June in “The Van”. And even though it has been my goal from the start to combine my coaching practice with van-life, this is the first time that I will be on the road for a longer time. So, it will be the first trial of how it is working. I have set my general availability for coaching sessions more limited than normally, to ensure I have time to find a good spot, quiet and with a good internet connection and I hope it will work without any problems.
I am working on a new 12-weeks program around habits and routines. It is a topic that often is touched upon in my coachings and furthermore a topic where I understand the science behind. In the fall I will offer a program regarding breaking habits or incorporating a new routine. But I need to get the material and the structure in place and that I will start doing in May.
I am not yet where I want to be regarding my 100 strangers project, so in May I am going to be more mindful with the option for small talk. I do tend to focus on doing something when I am out in cafés or the like – usually either journaling, reading or working. And when I do that, I often listing to music to concentrate, but having headphones on is not inviting for connecting. So, I am going to be more aware of being present and open in the moment.
I have become better in bringing my sketching tools with me and have also done some sketches while sitting at a café or on a bench. But I would like to do it a least once a week, as it does bring me joy and feels meditative for me. Also, I have some ideas for sketches both for my program and my social media and would like to work on those.
I am going to the UK and travelling the countryside. I intend to see Pemberley (also known as Lyme Park).
Follow up on March intentions:

Prepare for 3 workshops I am holding with InterNation regarding communication
- Did that and all the workshops went very well. I particular enjoyed the Q&A afterwards, it been a while since I have had conversations regarding concepts and methods, and I realized that I have been missing that.
Take another day hike in Berlin’s surroundings
- Somehow the calendar suddenly became too full. I have done a lot of peer-coaching in the past two months and as much as I do appreciate them, both for the self-training, feedback and learning from others, I did overbook myself. I will continue the peer coaching’s, when I am back from the van travelling, but less frequently. This should make room for more hikes, besides the ones I am planning for while in the UK.
Finding a right meetup for me
- I did find one new group, that seemed to be the right match for me. They are only meeting once a month, but so far it has been interesting, thought-provoking and inspiring. So, I am continuing with them.
Rebrand my website
- Still in progress, some things have been done, others are still in the works.
Dressing in all the colors in the world
- Done and will still be doing it. As relaxing as curling up in some soft and warm ‘home wear’ can be, wearing a dress in colorful print just immediately puts me in a good mood.