Here are my intentions for September 

For an update on August jump to the bottom of this post  Working on my brand design  Hold my ‘Draw your heart’ workshop in person  Finding more places where I can be a guest speaker  Planting the autumn seeds in the garden  Being more mindful of what I am signing up for  I have had… Continue reading Here are my intentions for September 

Creative workshop

I am offering a creative workshop on Eventbrite Draw your heart – Using creative tools for personal development  This is a creative workshop. With the help of guiding prompts you are going to create and explore your picture of your heart.   By drawing what formed hills, valleys, and roads in your heart, you can see… Continue reading Creative workshop

May intentions

(If you want to know how it went with March, jump to the bottom of this post. April’s intentions got lost in my overall busyness)  New month, new intentions:  Combing van-life and coaching  Setting up my new program  Engage in small talk  Sketch more  Seeing Lyme Park  I will be travelling in the UK during… Continue reading May intentions