Embrace your flaws

Sometimes you get it wrong

Especially those you cannot change. I have dyslexia, and on a sidenote – why is the word for ‘trouble with pronouncing and spelling’ impossible to pronounce or spell?   The last time that I was tested at my mid-twenties, I spelled like a 4th grader. I pronounce and spell words by memory, how I have heard others… Continue reading Embrace your flaws

I am intrigued

As I wrote in my post regarding establishing a new routine, I have taken up running again and have noticed an interesting thing about my mindset. I run three times a week, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. And for some reason it is hard for me, to pull myself together on Saturdays. It is as… Continue reading I am intrigued

I should

How often do you say or think that? I should clean my house. I should go for a run. I should call my mom.  Does your ‘should’ give you the desire to do these things? Do you do them with joy? Or do they turn into something you just need to get done, to get it off your mind?  The next time you discover a ‘should’, I invite you to stop and do this little… Continue reading I should

The art of compromising 

We all compromise. On small things, sometimes on big issues. It can be on work, in our readerships and with ourselves. Some compromises can be easy to make, some need perhaps negotiation and others can hurt to do. I have done them all. In all situations.   When you compromise, it does mean that you are not getting fully… Continue reading The art of compromising 

Transitioning from a world of science to a world of coaching

I have been a scientist for 20 years. I have loved my work, working in the laboratory, looking at data and trying to make sense of it. Only believing in what I could prove. Always looking critically on the results I obtained. Analysing, experimenting and confirming every step of the way to find my conclusions.   It can… Continue reading Transitioning from a world of science to a world of coaching

What the life as a freelance and location independent coach has already given me

I’m the type of person who feels obligated to my employer, coworkers, partners and clients in my employment. I don’t see that as a bad thing, in fact I see it as one of my strengths, but it has also meant in the past, that I sometimes had put my feeling of obligation above my… Continue reading What the life as a freelance and location independent coach has already given me