Why location independent

Sharing my intention of van-life and coaching last week, made me released I have not shared in depth, why location independent is important for me.  Short answer: It is how I want to live my life, it is bringing joy and meaning to my life.   Deeper answer: I never cared much about normal working hours.… Continue reading Why location independent

May intentions

(If you want to know how it went with March, jump to the bottom of this post. April’s intentions got lost in my overall busyness)  New month, new intentions:  Combing van-life and coaching  Setting up my new program  Engage in small talk  Sketch more  Seeing Lyme Park  I will be travelling in the UK during… Continue reading May intentions

March intentions

(If you want to know how it went with February, jump to the bottom of this post)  New month, new intentions:  Prepare for 3 workshops I’m holding with InterNation regarding communication  Take another day hike in Berlin’s surroundings  Finding a right meetup for me  Rebrand my website  Dressing in all the colours in the world … Continue reading March intentions

Embrace your flaws

Sometimes you get it wrong

Especially those you cannot change. I have dyslexia, and on a sidenote – why is the word for ‘trouble with pronouncing and spelling’ impossible to pronounce or spell?   The last time that I was tested at my mid-twenties, I spelled like a 4th grader. I pronounce and spell words by memory, how I have heard others… Continue reading Embrace your flaws

I am intrigued

As I wrote in my post regarding establishing a new routine, I have taken up running again and have noticed an interesting thing about my mindset. I run three times a week, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. And for some reason it is hard for me, to pull myself together on Saturdays. It is as… Continue reading I am intrigued